Home Kalon announces ₹5 lakh immediate relief for Dhule Tibetan sweater sellers
DHARAMSALA, 6 Sept: The Department of Home of the Central Tibetan Administration(CTA) has announced Five Lakh rupees from its emergency relief fund as an immediate relief measure for the victims of Tibetan sweater sellers in Dhule, Maharastra after a massive fire has gutted the entire warehouse.
Home Kalon(Minister) Sonam Topgyal Khorlatsang of the CTA has proposed to sanction INR Five Lakh from the emergency relief fund of Department of Home as an immediate relief measure after meeting with the 12 member-representatives of the distressed Tibetan sweater sellers on Thursday according to a report on the Tibet.net, the official webpage of the CTA.
The Minister has further assured the 12 Tibetan household from Puruwala and Dickyiling Tibetan settlement that the CTA and particularly the Home department will provide every possible assistance while promising to discuss the matter with the Kashag (cabinet).
Kalon Sonam Topgyal Khorlatsang has also declared that the CTA will do “everything possible to get free interest loan to enable them to carry this year’s winter sweater business”.
Consoling the disheartened Tibetan sweater sellers, he assured that with concerted efforts and support, the losses would be recovered.
He has further advised the victims to approach the merchants at Ludhiana through the Tibetan Refugee Traders Association to avail concession for the losses they incurred.
The Home Department has also stated that they will “release an appeal to all sympathetic donors both NGOs and individuals for emergency relief support,” after completing an assessment of the damages incurred by the 12 families.
The warehouse of 12 Tibetan household from Puruwala and Dickyiling Tibetan settlement in Dhule, Maharastra was gutted by a massive fire during the wee hours of Sunday.
The fire apparently broke out due to a short circuit, and it incurred damage worth Rs 265 Lakhs, according to Phurbu, the president of the Tibetan sweater seller’s Association.
The incident has left the victims in the lurch as they have taken loans from banks and sweater merchants to make a living during the soon to start winter business season.