Solitary contestant Tenzin Yangzom to be crowned Miss Tibet on Sunday
DHARAMSALA, June 3: Tenzin Yangzom Palkhang, the only contestant for this year’s Miss Tibet competition will be crowned and given a cheque of one lakh rupees that usually accompanies the title at a coronation ceremony to be held at the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts on Sunday, June 8.

This is the second consecutive year and the fourth time since its inception in 2002 that the pageant has seen only one contestant. The 2003 and 2005 editions of Miss Tibet also had only one contestant.
“We received eight applications for this year’s Pageant. Five were confirmed, but four withdrew at the last minute expressing various personal problems,” explained Lobsang Wangyal, the director of the Miss Tibet Pageant.
“We were ready to welcome more contestants and put on a full-fledged pageant, but how many would come is not in our hands. There should be individual as well as community initiative for a bigger number,” he added.

Despite there being no competition for the title, Lobsang Wangyal noted that the commitment of the lone contestant should be lauded and respected.
“Since the Miss Tibet Pageant is to empower young Tibetan women, we see it important to respect and appreciate the commitment and enthusiasm of the lone contestant,” he expressed.
Tenzin Yangzom Palkhang is a 23-yr-old Tibetan girl from Gangtok Sikkim, who has recently completed he B Ed (Bachelor of education) from Bangalore following her B A (Bachelor of Arts) in Psychology, Sociology and English. She is multi-lingual and likes dancing, basketball, singing, painting and photography.
She noted that future of Tibet depends on the education of the present generation of Tibetans and expressed her wish to contribute wherever necessary.

“We lost our country because Tibetans were not educated in their own country. Therefore, I took Bachelor of Education after my degree, and would like to pursue School Management for further studies. The Tibetan Government need qualified people to run Tibetan schools. The future of Tibet depends on education of present generation. I will be more than happy to extend my contribution wherever necessary,” She said.
Yangzom says that through the role of Miss Tibet she can draw the attention of the world to the Tibetan cause and gain worldwide support.
“The title of Miss Tibet is well known everywhere. It is a forum through which I can draw the attention of the world to the just cause of Tibet and seek their support. Tibetans inside Tibet are undergoing innumerable sufferings. More than a hundred of them have been driven to self-immolation, which is unparalleled in Tibet’s history. Miss Tibet can voice the worsening human rights situation in Tibet through a number of national and international forums, and gain worldwide support,” Yangzon opined.