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TCHRD launches Tibetan guidebook on UN Human Rights Mechanisms on UN Day

TCHRD’s Tibetan Researcher Tenzin Nyiwoe(L)and Legal Officer Tenzin Nordin(R).

DHARAMSALA, 24 Oct: The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD), a Dharamsala-based rights group launched a Tibetan guidebook on UN Human Rights Mechanism on the United Nations Day.

TCHRD has stated that it aims “to facilitate easy access for Tibetans in general and to assist in the work of Tibetan advocates, human rights activists, and academics” through the Tibetan guidebook it launched in commemoration of the UN Day.

Describing the guidebook as a “first of its kind in its presentation of the correlation between UN human rights mechanisms and China’s violation of human rights in the Tibetan language”, TCHRD added that “Nima Woeser, the centre’s Tibetan researcher scrupulously translated concepts and key terminologies of the guidebook using official documents of the United Nations as its foundational reference.”

Woeser said that the centre hopes the guidebook will come in handy when appealing to the UN about the grim human rights situation inside Tibet, disseminating information about the human rights abuses Tibetans are subjected to to the international community and to press China through the UN for its human rights violations.  

The Tibetan researcher added that the guidebook consists of five chapters: “Introduction to the United Nations”, “International Human Rights Treaties and their Relevant Bodies”, “Charter-based Mechanisms”, “Treaty-based Mechanisms”, and “Terminologies in Tibetan”.

Additionally, TCHRD’s guidebook also includes a separate section on “information related to China” at the end of every chapter while China’s human rights records that have been reviewed, raised, and highlighted by UN human rights treaty bodies are also mentioned separately in the book.

The Centre has stated that “one of the main goals of the UN charter is to protect and promote human rights and, as such, numerous provisions based on charter and treaty-based mechanisms are mandated to be put into practice.”

Working groups, independent experts, and special rapporteurs have been able to put pressure on China over its violation of human rights under the aforementioned provisions and mechanisms, TCHRD added.

United Nations Day is observed on October 24 every year to commemorate its official creation in 1945. This year marks the 77th anniversary of its founding. 

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