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Three women Kalons sworn in, highest number of women ministers in CTA so far 

Gyari Dolma(L), Tharlam Dolma(C) and Norzin Dolma(R), the three Kalons of 16th Kashag(Cabinet) of the CTA)led by President Penpa Tsering.

DHARAMSHALA, 10 Nov: In a historic first, three women were sworn in as Kalons(Ministers) of the 16th Kashag(Cabinet) of the Central Tibetan Administration(CTA) led by President Penpa Tsering.

Former Home Minister Gyari Dolma, former school teacher and school administrator, Tharlam Dolma and Norzin Dolma, former Director of Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy(TCHRD) took the oath of office from Tibetan Chief Justice Commissioner, Dagpo Sonam Norbu at a brief ceremony held today at the Sikyong hall here at the headquarters of the CTA in Dharamsala.

Securing 30, 27 and 27 votes respectively during the first session of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-exile, – Gyari Dolma, Tharlam Dolma and Norzin Dolma’s nomination for the post of Kalon was approved by the Tibetan legislators. 

This is the highest number of women in any Kashag of the CTA. Former CTA President Dr Lobsang Sangay’s 14th Kashag has two women ministers.

“I feel blessed and fortunate for getting an opportunity to serve the CTA again,” Gyari Dolma said after she was sown in as a Minister yet again.

She further spoke about the importance of nationalism and the unity of the exiled Tibetans and stated that despite the shortfalls or achievements in the past, she remains evermore dedicated to serving with complete honestly.

Kalon Gyari Dolma who will now reportedly assume the charge of the Security Department of the CTA expressed her pride in being the first woman to hold the post and declared that Tibetan women are more than capable to shoulder the responsibilities whenever given chance.

Former school teacher and school administrator, Tharlam Dolma also said that she is delighted to have gotten the opportunity to serve the administration. 

Kalon Tharlam Dolma who will now assume the role of Education minister spoke about the importance of creating a proper atmosphere in schools for the students to develop keen interests in studies and curriculum activities. 

She stated that challenges are more severe at present but plans can only be formulated after visiting the schools on a case basis.

Norzin Dolma, former Director of TCHRD stated that the responsibility is huge given the present grim situation of Tibet under Chinese rule but she expressed her pride in getting the opportunity to serve the community. 

Norzin dolma who will now assume the role of the Minister of  Information and International Relations of the CTA declared highlighting the sufferings of the Tibetans inside Tibet as her top priority while she stressed on the need for every Tibetan in exile to recall why are we in exile. 

The CTA President, Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of Tibetan parliament-in-Exile, Justice Commissioners, heads of the Autonomous bodies and Secretaries of CTA departments were present on the occasion. 

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