Tibet Solidarity Movement marks decade of demonstration in front of UN

DHARAMSALA, 16 Dec: The Tibet Solidarity Movement has marked the tenth anniversary of its peaceful procession urging the UN and international community and the United Nations to take concerted actions to protect the fundamental rights of Tibetans under Chinese rule.
“Today, we are holding the 131st demonstration, which is taking place every second Wednesday, in front of the Place des Nations with renewed hope and more determination to speak for our brothers and sisters who are forced to remain silent under the totalitarian regime of the People’s Republic of China”, the members of Tibet Solidarity Movement group has said in a joint letter addressed to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk.
The movement, an uninterrupted solidarity demonstration in front of the UN building in Geneva which is the European headquarters of the UN was started by five Swiss-based Tibetan families in November 2011 to stand in solidarity with Tibetans who continue to undergo repression in Tibet.
To mark the anniversary, the Tibet Solidarity Movement in coordination with the Tibet Bureau in Geneva has met and submitted the appeal letter to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights urging the UN to take more concerted actions to protect the fundamental rights of the Tibetan people before the entire civilization of Tibetan people is annihilated under “Chinese Characteristic” drive by the Chinese Communist Regime, reports www.tibet.net, the CTA’s official website.
The representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Tibet Bureau, Geneva has met with the members of the Tibet Solidarity Movement and “commended their dedication and commitment for holding uninterrupted vigil for a decade irrespective of weather conditions”, the report added.
Highlighting China’s continued violations of human rights with little to no response from the international community, including the UN, the members have requested the High Commissioner to “urge China to resolve the Sino-Tibet conflicts by resuming genuine and effective dialogue process with envoys of His Holiness the Dalai Lama; Press China to stop state-led assimilatory policies and stop egregious human rights violations in Tibet; Press China to allow Tibetans and Tibetan Buddhist community to identify and recognize their religious leaders; urge China to immediately stop “colonial-style” boarding schools in Tibet and allow Tibetan Children to learn the Tibetan language and its cultural identity; Bring Tibet on the agenda while assessing violations of human rights by China and report on the same”.
The members have further urged “the international community and the United Nations to take concerted actions to protect the fundamental rights of the Tibetan people before the entire civilization of Tibetan people are annihilated under the “Chinese Characteristic” drive by the Chinese Communist Regime”.