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Tibetan parliament announces additional session for a day in May

DHARAMSALA, 28 April: The Tibetan Parliament-in-exile(TPIE ) has announced that it will hold an additional session for a day in May.

“An additional session of the 16th TPIE will be held on 20th May 2021 for a day,” the Tibetan Parliamentary Secretariat announced on Wednesday.

The additional session of the 16th TPIE announced in accordance with Article 41 of the Charter of Tibetans-in-Exile will see the Tibetan MPs appoint a new Chief Justice Commissioner and the two Justice Commissioners of the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission(TSJC)

The Chief Justice Commissioner and the two Justice Commissioners of the TSJC were impeached by the parliament by passing an official motion in the house for the trio’s impeachment in accordance with Clause (IV), Article (63) of the Charter of Tibetans in exile earlier on 25th March. 

However, with India reeling under the deadly second wave of COVID-19, it remains to be seen how many Tibetan MPs can make it for the session. 

The quorum in the parliament to start the proceedings of the house is 2/3 (30) of the total members of the house.  

The Tibetan parliament consists of 45 members: ten members each from U-Tsang, Do-tod and Do-med, the three traditional provinces of Tibet, two members each from the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism and the traditional Bon faith, two members each from Europe and North America and a member representing Tibetans in Asia and Australasia (excluding India, Nepal and Bhutan).

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