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World corners China over Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xiaobo’s death

By Lobsang Tenchoe

DHARAMSALA, July 14: China’s lone Noble Peace Prize laureate and human rights campaigner has passed away at a hospital yesterday after losing his battle with terminal cancer.

As China refused to budge in spite of international pressure and Liu’s wishes to receive medical treatment abroad, the Chinese dissident has died of multiple organ in a hospital at 5:35pm on Thursday.

The Noble laureate’s death in Chinese Communist regime’s custody drew comparison with the German pacifist Carl Von Ossietzky who also died in Nazi’s custody in 1938.

20046201_1590312107679860_1858830843_nFollowing his death, the international criticism of the Chinese government is surging as world leaders and rights groups grieve his demise and condemn China.

“The Chinese government bears a heavy responsibility for his premature death”, a cnn.com report quoted the Nobel Committee which awarded him the Peace Prize in 2010 as saying in a statement.

The white house called Liu a “political prisoner,” and offered “heartfelt condolences” to his wife, Liu Xia and his family and friends, the report added.

United Nations, European Union, Germany, France, Taiwan, Britain and Chinese dissidents were all critical of the Chinese regime while paying their respect to Liu Xiaobo. Calls were made to free Liu’s wife, Liu Xia who has been under house arrest since Liu’s Nobel victory and to allow her to travel outside China.

Leaders of the Tibetan people have also expressed their sadness over the demise of the Chinese rights champion.

The Tibetan spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama was deeply saddened by the passage of fellow Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo. “I offer my prayers and condolences to his wife, Liu Xia and to other members of his family. Although he is no longer living, the rest of us can best pay honor to Liu Xiabo by carrying forward the principles he has long embodied, which would lead to a more harmonious, stable and prosperous China,” dalailama.com, the Dalai Lama’s official web page quoted the Tibetan spiritual leader as saying. “It is my belief that Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo’s unceasing efforts in the cause of freedom will bear fruit before long,” the Dalai Lama added.

The President of Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), Dr Lobsang Sangay has also offered his condolence over Liu Xiaobo’s death. “My heart breaks to hear of Liu Xiaobo’s passing. I have been following the reports very closely. I, on behalf of Tibetans inside and outside Tibet offer my condolence and wish his wife Liu Xia much strength and resolve in these difficult times,” CTA’s official website, tibet.net quoted President Sangay as saying in a report.