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Dalai Lama commends Coronavirus frontline workers

DHARAMSALA, 30 March: His Holiness the Dalai Lama has offered “special gratitude” to the Coronavirus frontline workers and stated that “their service is indeed compassion in action,” in his special message on Coronavirus Pandemic.

“I offer special gratitude to the medical staff—doctors, nurses and other support personnel—who are working on the frontline to save lives at great personal risk. Their service is indeed compassion in action,” the Dalai Lama has said.

“Today, we are passing through an exceptionally difficult time due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic,” the Tibetan spiritual leader has said and expressed “his admiration and gratitude” to governments across the world at large and the Government of India in particular for the steps they have taken to meet the challenges.

“Everyone at present is doing their best to contain the spread of the coronavirus. I applaud the concerted efforts of nations to limit the threat. In particular, I appreciate the initiative India has taken with other SAARC countries to set up an emergency fund and an electronic platform to exchange information, knowledge and expertise to tackle the spread of Covid-19. This will serve as a model for dealing with such crises in future as well,” the message read.

The Dalai Lama further wrote that “faced with threats to our health and well-being, it is natural to feel anxiety and fear,” and offered a Buddhist advice to examine the problem beforehand.

“If there is something to be done—do it, without any need to worry; if there’s nothing to be done, worrying about it further will not help.”

The Tibetan Nobel Laureate has also made an earnest appeal to care for the vulnerable members of our communities.

“I understand that as a result of the necessary lockdowns across the world, many people are facing tremendous hardship due to a loss of livelihood. For those with no stable income, life is a daily struggle for survival. I earnestly appeal to all concerned to do everything possible to care for the vulnerable members of our communities.”

The octogenarian Tibetan leader concluded his message by offering his prayers for an early end to this pandemic so that peace and happiness may soon be restored.

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