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TYC marks its golden jubilee celebration, kicks off its 50th Working Committee Meeting

DHARAMSALA, 7 Oct: The first President of the Tibetan Youth Congress(TYC) today said that “nothing good came after the Chinese occupation of Tibet.” 

The first President of the TYC and former Kalon (Kasur)Tethong Tenzin Geyche made the remarks today at the golden jubilee celebration of the largest Tibetan non-governmental organization in exile near here.

“If the sizeable Tibetans in exile can not live in unity, it’s a shame,” he added.

Kasur Tethong further described the political statement that has rocked the exile Tibetan government as shameful and disappointing.

However, he expressed his firm belief in the indomitable spirit of the Tibetans inside Tibet and that of the TYC’s leadership and campaigns and said that despite the present grim situation under the Chinese rule, he believes there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Kasur Tethong Tenzin Geyche along with late Kasur Gyari Lodoe Gyaltsen, Kalon Trisur Tethong Tenzin Namgyal and late Kalon Trisur Sonam Topgyal were the founding members of TYC.

Gonpo Dhundup, the current President of TYC highlighted the significance of TYC as an organization in the Tibetan struggle for freedom and the contributions it has made since its humble beginnings 51 years ago in 1970 be it political campaigns or social services.

“Because of TYC’s active political engagements, the so-called Chinese Communist Party of China has labelled us as a terrorist organisation. However, the fact remains that TYC only seeks the complete independence of Tibet through a non-violence approach.”

BJP MP from the lower house of India’s bicameral Parliament, Kishan Kapoor who attended the event as the special guest extended his greetings on TYC’s 50th founding anniversary on behalf of India and the Indian people.

He further applauded the TYC for nourishing leaders for the Central Tibetan Administration(CTA) including the likes of Sikyong and declared that the future f the CTA is bright. 

The BJP MP from Kangra concluded by stating that like all the dictators that came before in the world’s history and perished, the Chinese regime under its dictator Xi Jinping too will perish and that Tibet will regain its independence.

 The TYC’s golden jubilee celebration is being marked today, a year later as the celebration has to be postponed owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. The celebration is being marked parallel with the 50th Working Committee Meeting of the TYC.

A total of 89 executive members from 34 regional chapters of TYC have gathered for the five-day meeting to be held over 7-12 Oct.

The executive members of TYC will discuss on issues related to the security of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and on issues related to the future work of the organization.

TYC, the organisation that advocates the independence of Tibet from China was founded on 7 October 1970.

It has now grown into 88 regional chapters across the world with more than 35,000 members.

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