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China can not break indomitable spirit of Tibetan people: President of Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet

DHARAMSALA, Sept 27: In spite of China’s harsh and repressive policy in Tibet, the indomitable spirit of Tibetan people will grow and deepen and widen, says Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar, the President of Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet.

The president of the Dharamsala based organization of former political prisoners of Tibet made the remarks while marking its 28th anniversary as well as the 32nd anniversary of the September 27, 1987 uprising in Lhasa, Tibet’s capital.

“Today marks an important day to Gu-Chu- Sum Movement of Tibet as the organization was established 28 years ago today. The founding members of the organisation, who were former Tibetan political prisoners started the organisation with the funds they generated by selling bread,” she said.

“We are more dedicated than ever and however hard the Communist regime may try, they simply can not break the indomitable spirit of Tibetan people,” the President of the organisation said in a message to the Chinese Communist Regime ahead of their 70th anniversary.

The event was attended by former Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel as the Chief Guest along with several Tibetan parliamentarians, Dharamsala Tibetan settlement office and heads of Dharamsala Tibetan NGO’s among others.

The Deputy Speaker in his key address lauded to Gu-Chu- Sum Movement of Tibet for its enormous contribution and services to the Tibetan cause and for taking care of the former Tibetan political prisoners here in exile.

He reserved special praise for the organisation recent photo exhibitions which he said is the true representation of the present plight and the status of Tibet and Tibetans under China’s repression and for providing a timely reminder to Tibetans in exile who some times he said tends to forget about the Tibetan movement when they become quite well off.

Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet, the Dharamsala based organization of former political prisoners of Tibet was established on Sept. 27, 1991.

The Tibetan words Gu-Chu-Sum stands for numbers 9, 10 and 3 which signifies September 1987, October 1987, and March 1988 uprising in Tibet against the tyrannical Chinese invasion and its misrule in Tibet since 1959.

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