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Kashag apologises to Penpa Tsering for his wrongful dismissal

DHARAMSALA, 27 Dec: The Kashag(Cabinet) of the Central Tibetan Administration(CTA) has issued an apology to the defendant of the case no 20 by “expressing its regret” over his ousting from the Office of Tibet in Washington, CTA’s mission in North America.

The Tibetan Cabinet today announced on Tibet.net, the official webpage of the CTA by quoting the TSJC’s verdict which dismissed its ten-point clarification on the ousting of Penpa Tsering, the former Representative to North America on the grounds that they were “based on unreliable sources and misunderstanding, thereby unintentionally defamed his dedication, competence and character, and led to the spread of misinformation in the community”.

And added, “for this, the Kashag expresses its regret”.

The TSJC set today it’s extended deadline day for the Kashag to issue its apology to complete its verdict in its entirety.

The TSJC cleared former Tibetan Representative of North America, Penpa Tsering of all charges cited by the Kashag for his ousting as it announced its decree of the case on 14 October.

Registered as case no 20 in the TSJC here in Dharamsala, it is a defamation case filed by Penpa Tsering against the President Sangay led his Cabinet.

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